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Enlish Culture(文化)
评论数:8 人气:844 发表时间:2004/9/11 16:50:52

american party in american, party is very popular. 它经常是由某人or某个社团进行邀请。当受到邀请,却因某些原因不能接受时,应婉言谢绝,并找一些对方能接受的解释。eg: i'm very busy. or i already have appointment. 为了表示友好,别忘了先说:i'd really like to... party名目繁多,surprise party 是专为某个人搞得庆贺聚会,但不提前告诉他,只有组织者提前知晓,等此人来到朋友之间时,大家齐声高呼:surprise ! 除此以外,还有: house warming party, birthday party, get-to-know-you party,annual pffice holiday party, new year party, christmas party,etc. 若你不想到时尴尬,则可事先询问一下。若是好朋友邀请你,你可问: who is going? or what are you wearing?但若邀请你的人不是很熟识,你的提问则要委婉些,eg:how many people will be there? or what will people be wearing? etc. 以免听话人以为你是否参加取决于某些人的到来。 most parties are quite relaxed these days. especially young people's parties. you don't have to wear a long dress or a black tie when you want to have a good time. in fact, you can usually wear what you like. anything from jeans to suits and dresses. 有时邀请人在参加宴会的时间上并没有严格的规定,eg:anytime after 8:00. 这就意味晚会是私人晚宴,到会的都是亲朋好友,开的晚,结束的更晚,有时要到midnight, 衣着随便,不用准时出席,但若是dinner party, 则要arrive promptly.

Enlish Culture(文化)

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发表时间: 2004/9/11 16:50:52

american party in american, party is very popular. 它经常是由某人or某个社团进行邀请。当受到邀请,却因某些原因不能接受时,应婉言谢绝,并找一些对方能接受的解释。eg: i'm very busy. or i already have appointment. 为了表示友好,别忘了先说:i'd really like to... party名目繁多,surprise party 是专为某个人搞得庆贺聚会,但不提前告诉他,只有组织者提前知晓,等此人来到朋友之间时,大家齐声高呼:surprise ! 除此以外,还有: house warming party, birthday party, get-to-know-you party,annual pffice holiday party, new year party, christmas party,etc. 若你不想到时尴尬,则可事先询问一下。若是好朋友邀请你,你可问: who is going? or what are you wearing?但若邀请你的人不是很熟识,你的提问则要委婉些,eg:how many people will be there? or what will people be wearing? etc. 以免听话人以为你是否参加取决于某些人的到来。 most parties are quite relaxed these days. especially young people's parties. you don't have to wear a long dress or a black tie when you want to have a good time. in fact, you can usually wear what you like. anything from jeans to suits and dresses. 有时邀请人在参加宴会的时间上并没有严格的规定,eg:anytime after 8:00. 这就意味晚会是私人晚宴,到会的都是亲朋好友,开的晚,结束的更晚,有时要到midnight, 衣着随便,不用准时出席,但若是dinner party, 则要arrive promptly.


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发表时间: 2004/9/11 16:51:53

lioya teach you american lives

no.2 about american family 在“西方”家庭这一观念包含两个涵义:一是nuclear family. 二是extended family. nuclear family指parents and children. include: father mother son daughter. extended family: 还包括relatives. eg: grandfather grandmother uncle aunt cousin etc. when people ask: " how big is your family? " it means your nuclear family. 在英文中对亲戚的称呼比较笼统,aunt可指伯母,姨母,姑母,舅母。uncle可指叔父,伯父,姑父,姨夫,舅父。cousin指堂表兄弟,堂表姐妹。 tell me about youe family? 经常用:do you have...? or have you are...? american often use former. how many children do you have? sounds look like secret. 但不属于禁题,人们问这类问题的目的是为了找到一个共同的话题,作为进一步谈论的话题。 在提及亲属时,aunt可指父母的姐妹,也可指父母兄弟的妻子。在口语里,须点明关系,eg: my father's sister. or在称呼后加上名字。


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发表时间: 2004/9/11 16:55:37

lioya teach you american lives

no.3 american talk

美国人较重视谈话的manner.有些话题的内容belong to secret.则要在初次见面or还比较陌生的情况下避免说它,对于熟人则要依情况而定。 美国人初次见面时,一般只谈jobs , hobbies , travel , family , friend in common , interest , luck , etc.美国人经常谈work,避免谈论个人遇到的trouble , bad news , earn , etc. don't ask : how old are you? 尤其要回避: are you married? 这类的问题,若谈话的对象是妇女则要更为注意,最为安全的问题是weather. 在美国有时陌生人的谈论中也包含家庭,婚姻,年龄,但谈论的是他们自己的孩子。 在正式场合不直接用,how old is he / she? 询问一个人的年龄,这样的问法太唐突了,应用about how old would you say he / she is? or may i ask how old he / she is? 则更有礼貌。 在社交场合,若没有听清or没有记住他人的姓名,而请他(她)再说一遍,并非失礼。how about...? or what about...? 是用来回问对方的。 在美国,无论是工作上,上下级之间,同事之间,家里的长幼之间,夫妻之间,人们总是要相互致谢。在公共场所,提供服务和接受服务时,问路,打扰别人,请别人帮忙时,更要致谢。别人要请你参加他的宴会,你要向他(她)致谢。若别人夸奖你,你也要致谢。在求别人帮忙,但对方无法给予帮助时,也应礼貌的回答: thank you anyway. or thank you all the same. 在美国,若是向问询台,售票处,etc. 询问某项活动举行的时间,etc. 要用: would you please tell me when...? could you please tell me when...? or can you tell me when...? etc. 表示客气,礼貌的提问. 询问别人的家庭地址,电话号码,etc. 应用:could i have...? 较正式。若要问你的同学,etc. 则不用它。 询问别人的意愿要用: do you want to...? or would you like to...? 征求别人的意见要用: do you feel like...? or what about...? or how about...? 在向别人寻求帮助时,与其应更为委婉,要用: do you think i coule borrow...? or would you mind leading me...? 当找不到物品请求别人的帮忙,但却不肯定别人是否知晓物品的位置,用:do you know...? 更为礼貌. 在美国,熟人分别一阵后重逢时,常说: how's your work doing? how're things with you? hoe's everything? or how are you doing? etc. 在美国的社交场合,与不熟识的人交谈时,人们一般都围绕着无关紧要的话题展开讨论, eg : movis or food etc. 避免涉及politics or religion etc. 有可能引起争论的话题. 在谈论中可提出自己对某事的不同看法,但要注意谈论的话题是否属于禁忌之列,并且要有礼貌,在否定对方的观点,建议,or 请求时,应先说: i am sorry. or i am afraid.更有礼貌. 若有人问你, what do you think of...? or how do you think of...? 后接n. 则是要问你对某事的看法,不能简单的用yes or no 来回答.


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发表时间: 2004/9/11 16:56:34

lioya teach you american lives

no.4 american education

美国人通常用college来泛指大学,不管一个人是在 university读书,还是在college读书,都可以说:he is a college student. or he is in college.

americen children 要接受10年的义务教育,他们一般在 six-year-old go to elementary school. eleven-year-old go to junior high school. fifteen or sixteen-year-old go to senior high school. school education is free.at the end of every school year, the child takes a test. if he does well, he goes into the next class (grade). if he doesn't well, he has to repeat the grade.当学生满了units后,便可得到disploma. if they want to go on to college, they take college admission tests.

美国学生在高中的最后一年,要申请一些大学or 学院。 university is bigger than college, include many college. 美国没有统一的大学入学考试,各所大学个入学标准不一样,多数院校要求学生提出sat ,cat , etc. 在招收新生时,学校不经考虑学生的中学成绩,也参考上述成绩。此外,还要有interview.

美国的教育没有全国统一的规定,联邦政府有个教育部, 但学校不是它办的,它没有管理权,连监督权都没有。教育部的功能是:督促学校遵守联邦政府的有关法令。学校由此有很大的自主权利。

american middle school and university 很重视学生综合能力的培养.中学生挑选大学时,主要看:大学的名气,师资的配备,图书馆的藏书量,专业的设置,宿舍的房租,学校的地理位置, etc. 最主要的是学校在文体方面的设施配备.

american student 非常关心各个活动中心在搞那些活动,因此学校的布告栏前总是人来人往.

in college, you can study interresting subjects, in short or long courses, but if you want to get a degree, you have to study for a least four years. classes start in september and go on to early june with a break in the middle.

美国人很重视心理健康,美国的父母会经常去找儿童心理学专家来咨询如何教育自己的儿女.在middle school and university, 学生顾问会给学生在日常生活中遇到的问题进行免费的心理咨询.


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发表时间: 2004/9/11 16:57:30

no.5 american party

in american, party is very popular.

它经常是由某人or某个社团进行邀请。当受到邀请时,却因某些原因不能接受时,应婉言谢绝,并找一些对方能接受的说词。eg: i'm very busy. or i already have appointment. 为了表示有好,别忘了先说:i'd really like to, but i'm busy.

party名目繁多,surprise party 是专为某个人搞得庆贺聚会,但不提前告诉他,只有组织者提前知晓,等此人来到朋友之间时,大家齐声高呼:surprise ! 除此以外,还有: house warming party, birthday party, get-to-know-you party, annual pffice holiday party, new year party, christmas party, etc. 若你不想到时尴尬,则可事先询问一下。若是好朋友邀请你,你可问: who is going? or what are you wearing? 但若邀请你的人不是很熟识,你的提问则要委婉些,eg: how many people will be there? or what will people be wearing? etc. 以免听话人以为你是否参加取决于某些人的到来。

most parties are quite relaxed these days. especially young people's parties. you don't have to wear a long dress or a black tie when you want to have a good time. in fact, you can usually wear what you like. anything from jeans to suits and dresses.

有时邀请人在参加宴会的时间上并没有严格的规定,eg: anytime after 8:00. 这就意味晚会是私人晚宴,到会的都是亲朋好友,开的晚,结束的更晚,有时要到midnight, 衣着随便,不用准时出席,但若是dinner party, 则要arrive promptly.


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发表时间: 2004/9/11 17:00:59




dinner usually start between 8 and 9 p.m and end at about 11. ask your host what time you should arrive. it's polite to bring flowers, chocolates or a bottle of wine to your host.

in many families, the husband sits at one and of the table and the wife sits at the other end. they eat with their guests.

you probably start the meal with soup or something small as a "starter". then you'll have meat or fish with vegetables and then a dessert (sometimes calles a "sweet" or a "pudding") following by coffee. it'spolite to finish everything on your plate and to take more if you want it. some people eat bread with their meal, but not everyone does.

did you enjoy the evening? call you host the next day or write hie a short "thank you" latter.


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发表时间: 2007/2/11 17:37:15

when do you open a sleep over night party ,plase tell me know ,i'll be there , because i'd like to go dance and sing song!


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发表时间: 2007/2/11 23:59:50



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发表时间: 2007/2/12 10:22:14

haw haw!

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