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学习园地 --> 英语ABC

状态: 不在线
评论数:1 人气:809 发表时间:2004/9/7 23:28:48
dreams r real all u have to do is just belief there is nothing that should ever take ur heart away fromwhat it is u wanna to do u should always go with what u love don't follow no one else just do what's good for you,tell them sometimes people try to bring u down they wanna see u frown just keep ur faith in u doesn't matter if they try to tell u that u'll never make it this is what u do,tell them tell them i believe in myself and my dreams 'll come true dreaming my pain paining my dream prefer dream to pain dreaming foolishly

状态: 不在线
发表时间: 2004/9/7 23:28:48
dreams r real all u have to do is just belief there is nothing that should ever take ur heart away fromwhat it is u wanna to do u should always go with what u love don't follow no one else just do what's good for you,tell them sometimes people try to bring u down they wanna see u frown just keep ur faith in u doesn't matter if they try to tell u that u'll never make it this is what u do,tell them tell them i believe in myself and my dreams 'll come true dreaming my pain paining my dream prefer dream to pain dreaming foolishly

状态: 不在线
发表时间: 2004/9/9 11:19:11

i will always love you if i should stay i would only be in your way so i’ll go but i know i’ll think of you every step of the way

and i will always love you

you, my darling you bittersweet memories that is all i’m taking with me so goodbye please don’t cry we both know i’m not what you need

and i will always love you i will always love you

i hope life treats you kind and i hope you have all you dreamed of and i wish you joy and happiness but above all this i wish you love

and i will always love you i will always love you you, darling, i love you i’ll always, i’ll always love you

注释 1.in your way 按你的方式 2.bittersweet 甜美又苦涩

参考译文 ◎我将永远爱着你

假如要我留下 我只会是你的拌脚石 因而我要离你远去 但我知道 无论做什么我都会想起你


亲爱的,我只带走 甜美而又辛酸的记忆 说声再见,不要哭泣 我们双方都知道 我不是你的所要

我将永远爱着你 我将永远爱着你

我希望你生活美满 我祝愿你梦想成真 愿你永远幸福快乐 能够拥有你的爱 才是我最大的心愿

我将永远爱着你 我将永远爱着你 亲爱的,我爱你 我将永远,永远爱着你

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