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学习园地 --> 英语ABC

状态: 不在线
评论数:0 人气:780 发表时间:2004/9/3 20:41:38
remember me when i an gone away, gone far away into the silent land(1); when you can no more hold me by the hand, nor i half turn to go yet turning stay(2). remember me when no more day by day you tell me of our future that you planned: only remember me; you understand it will be late to counsel(3) then or pray. yet if you should forget me for a while and afterwards remember,do not grieve: for if the darkness and corruption leave a vestige of the thoughts that once i had, better by far you should forget and smile then that you should remember and be sad. 译: 记着我 望你记着我,在我离去之后-- 远远地离,进入寂静之国; 那时你不能再把我的手紧握, 我也不能再犹疑着,欲去还留。 记着我,当你不能再无止无休 对我描绘我俩未来的生活。 只望你记着我,因为你也懂得: 那时已来不及再商量或祈求。 不过如果你暂时把我忘记, 随后又重新记得,你别悲痛, 因为假如黑暗和腐朽之余 还留下我的思念的一点痕迹, 我情愿你忘记而面露笑容, 也不愿你记住而愁容戚戚。 注释:注释 (1)gone far away into the silent land:指死去。 (2)nor i half turn to go yet turning stay:我也不再半转身要走,却又留下来。 (3)counsel:给与忠告。

状态: 不在线
发表时间: 2004/9/3 20:41:38
remember me when i an gone away, gone far away into the silent land(1); when you can no more hold me by the hand, nor i half turn to go yet turning stay(2). remember me when no more day by day you tell me of our future that you planned: only remember me; you understand it will be late to counsel(3) then or pray. yet if you should forget me for a while and afterwards remember,do not grieve: for if the darkness and corruption leave a vestige of the thoughts that once i had, better by far you should forget and smile then that you should remember and be sad. 译: 记着我 望你记着我,在我离去之后-- 远远地离,进入寂静之国; 那时你不能再把我的手紧握, 我也不能再犹疑着,欲去还留。 记着我,当你不能再无止无休 对我描绘我俩未来的生活。 只望你记着我,因为你也懂得: 那时已来不及再商量或祈求。 不过如果你暂时把我忘记, 随后又重新记得,你别悲痛, 因为假如黑暗和腐朽之余 还留下我的思念的一点痕迹, 我情愿你忘记而面露笑容, 也不愿你记住而愁容戚戚。 注释:注释 (1)gone far away into the silent land:指死去。 (2)nor i half turn to go yet turning stay:我也不再半转身要走,却又留下来。 (3)counsel:给与忠告。
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