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The Meaning of Love
评论数:1 人气:702 发表时间:2004/9/3 20:36:57
the meaning of love
it hurts to love someone and not to be love in return but what is more painful is to love someone and never find the courage to let that person know how you feel! giving someone all your love is never an assurance that they'll love you back! don't expect love in return, just wait for it to grow in their heart. but if it doesn't, be content it grew in yours. love comes to those who still hope although they've been disappointed; to those who still believe although they've been betrayed; to those who still need to love although they've been hurt before. it takes only a minute to get a crush on someone. an hour to like someone, and a day to love someone_but it takes a lifetime to forget someone. don't go for looks, they can deceive; don't go for wealth, even that fades away. go for someone who makes you smile, because it takes only a smile to make a dark day seems bright. to love someone is to let those we love be just themselves, and not twist them with our own image. otherwise, we love only the reflection of ourselves we find in them. 爱一个人却得不到对方的爱是一种痛苦 但更痛苦的是 爱一个人却从没勇气来表白自己的爱。 给一个人全部的爱也绝不能保证 那个人也会爱你! 不要指望爱必有回报,静静等待 爱在对方的心里萌发。 倘若没有萌发 也要为它曾在你心里萌发过而感到满足。 真有爱心的人是那些 对生活仍怀着希望的人,尽管他们失望过; 对人仍存着信任的人, 尽管他们被背叛过; 仍要去爱的人, 尽管他们被伤害过。 迷上一个人只需一分钟, 喜欢一个人只需一小时, 爱上一个人只需一天, 可要忘却一个人却需要终生的时间。 不要追求外貌,外貌常常迷惑人; 不要追求财富, 千金终究会散尽。 寻求能使你微笑的人, 因为一个微笑就可是阴沉的一天变的明朗。 爱一个人是让我们所爱的人 保持自己的个性, 而不是按照我们自己的形象 来扭曲他们的天性。 否则我们所爱的只是 投射在所爱之人身上自己的影子。
The Meaning of Love

状态: 不在线
发表时间: 2004/9/3 20:36:57
the meaning of love
it hurts to love someone and not to be love in return but what is more painful is to love someone and never find the courage to let that person know how you feel! giving someone all your love is never an assurance that they'll love you back! don't expect love in return, just wait for it to grow in their heart. but if it doesn't, be content it grew in yours. love comes to those who still hope although they've been disappointed; to those who still believe although they've been betrayed; to those who still need to love although they've been hurt before. it takes only a minute to get a crush on someone. an hour to like someone, and a day to love someone_but it takes a lifetime to forget someone. don't go for looks, they can deceive; don't go for wealth, even that fades away. go for someone who makes you smile, because it takes only a smile to make a dark day seems bright. to love someone is to let those we love be just themselves, and not twist them with our own image. otherwise, we love only the reflection of ourselves we find in them. 爱一个人却得不到对方的爱是一种痛苦 但更痛苦的是 爱一个人却从没勇气来表白自己的爱。 给一个人全部的爱也绝不能保证 那个人也会爱你! 不要指望爱必有回报,静静等待 爱在对方的心里萌发。 倘若没有萌发 也要为它曾在你心里萌发过而感到满足。 真有爱心的人是那些 对生活仍怀着希望的人,尽管他们失望过; 对人仍存着信任的人, 尽管他们被背叛过; 仍要去爱的人, 尽管他们被伤害过。 迷上一个人只需一分钟, 喜欢一个人只需一小时, 爱上一个人只需一天, 可要忘却一个人却需要终生的时间。 不要追求外貌,外貌常常迷惑人; 不要追求财富, 千金终究会散尽。 寻求能使你微笑的人, 因为一个微笑就可是阴沉的一天变的明朗。 爱一个人是让我们所爱的人 保持自己的个性, 而不是按照我们自己的形象 来扭曲他们的天性。 否则我们所爱的只是 投射在所爱之人身上自己的影子。

状态: 不在线
发表时间: 2004/9/9 17:48:52

迷上一个人只需一分钟, 喜欢一个人只需一小时, 爱上一个人只需一天, 可要忘却一个人却需要终生的时间


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