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林语堂译 幽梦影 之一 Human Life
评论数:5 人气:816 发表时间:2004/8/27 0:56:55
林语堂精选的心斋,所写的生活漫笔,并译。中文名篇与英文名译对照,珠联璧合。 不得已而谀之者,宁以口,毋以笔;不可耐而骂之者,亦宁以口,毋以笔。 曰:但恐未必能自主耳。 曰:上句立品,下句立德。 曰:匪惟立德,亦以免祸。 曰:今人笔不谀人,更无用笔之处矣。心斋(上句的作者)不知此苦,还是唐宋以上人耳。 曰:古笔铭曰:“毫毛茂茂,陷水可脱,陷文不活。”正此谓也。亦有诌以笔而实讥之者,亦有骂以笔而若誉之者,总以不笔为高。 if one has to praise someone, rather do it by word of mouth than by pen; if there are persons that must be castigated, also do it by word of mouth rather than in writing. -- you have no control over it sometimes. -- the first half of the sentence helps one's intergrity, the second half one's character. -- it not only helps character, but saves one from getting into trouble. -- there are writers today who find no other use for their pen except writing eulogies. shingstai (the author) is not aware of the circumstances which force them to do it. he lives mentally in the golden age. -- an ancient inscription on a pen says, "the little hair-brush. you can get out when dipped in water, but when you get into writing, you may be crushed." there are eulogies with tongue-in-cheek sarcasms and apparent denunciations which cover real praise. but the best thing is not to commit it to paper at all.
林语堂译 幽梦影 之一 Human Life

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发表时间: 2004/8/27 0:56:55
林语堂精选的心斋,所写的生活漫笔,并译。中文名篇与英文名译对照,珠联璧合。 不得已而谀之者,宁以口,毋以笔;不可耐而骂之者,亦宁以口,毋以笔。 曰:但恐未必能自主耳。 曰:上句立品,下句立德。 曰:匪惟立德,亦以免祸。 曰:今人笔不谀人,更无用笔之处矣。心斋(上句的作者)不知此苦,还是唐宋以上人耳。 曰:古笔铭曰:“毫毛茂茂,陷水可脱,陷文不活。”正此谓也。亦有诌以笔而实讥之者,亦有骂以笔而若誉之者,总以不笔为高。 if one has to praise someone, rather do it by word of mouth than by pen; if there are persons that must be castigated, also do it by word of mouth rather than in writing. -- you have no control over it sometimes. -- the first half of the sentence helps one's intergrity, the second half one's character. -- it not only helps character, but saves one from getting into trouble. -- there are writers today who find no other use for their pen except writing eulogies. shingstai (the author) is not aware of the circumstances which force them to do it. he lives mentally in the golden age. -- an ancient inscription on a pen says, "the little hair-brush. you can get out when dipped in water, but when you get into writing, you may be crushed." there are eulogies with tongue-in-cheek sarcasms and apparent denunciations which cover real praise. but the best thing is not to commit it to paper at all.

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发表时间: 2004/8/27 0:57:46
有工夫读书,谓之福;有力量济人,谓之福;有学问著述,谓之福;无是非到耳,谓之福;有多闻直谅之友,谓之福。 blessed are those who have time for reading, money to help others, the learning and ability to write, who are not bothered with gossip and disputes, and who have learned friends frank with advice.

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发表时间: 2004/8/27 0:58:37
人莫乐于闲,非无所事事之谓也。闲则能读书,闲则能游名胜,闲则能交益友,闲则能饮酒,闲则能著书。天下之乐,孰大于是? of all things one enjoys leisure most, not because one does nothing. leisure confers upon one the freedom to read, to travel, to make friends, to drink, and to wirte. where is there a greater pleasure than this?

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发表时间: 2004/8/27 1:00:49
of all things one enjoys leisure most, not because one does nothing. leisure confers upon one the freedom to read, to travel, to make friends, to drink, and to wirte. where is there a greater pleasure than this? no wherelse we can get the greater pleasure than that

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发表时间: 2004/8/27 1:01:52
words of wisdom always make people think, and remind them of something important or meaningful in their lives, thus keep people's brain active and thoughts profound.

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发表时间: 2004/8/27 1:02:49
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